Helping a Friend in Distress

大学生在他们的学术经历过程中经常经历巨大的压力. 虽然大多数学生成功地应对了这些年带来的挑战, 一些学生发现生活中的各种压力难以控制或无法忍受. 许多这些苦恼的学生没有寻求咨询,可能不知道他们可以得到的服务.

你可能遇到一个处于困境中的朋友,你的角色可能是一个积极和关键的角色,帮助他/她找到可用的资源来帮助自己. The following guidelines may be useful. (If you are a faculty or staff member, 请点击以下链接了解如何帮助陷入困境的学生: Resources for Faculty & Staff)

Common Signs of Distress
以下迹象可能表明需要将学生转介给心理咨询 & Testing Center:

  •  Abrupt/radical changes in behavior
  •  Isolation from others
  •  Feeling blue for more than a short period of time
  •  Poor class attendance
  •  Inappropriate crying
  •  Paranoid state
  •  Drug & alcohol abuse
  •  Chronic fatigue/low energy
  •  Uncontrollable or sudden outbursts of anger
  •  Attention/memory difficulties
  •  Irritability or restlessness
  •  Threatening bodily injury or harm to others
  •  在一段关系中发生创伤性变化(如离婚或死亡)后的情绪或行为变化
  •  反映一种毫无价值、绝望和无助感的陈述
  •  Suicidal thoughts or feelings

The counseling staff at the Counseling & 考试中心还可以帮助那些有以下困难的学生:

  •  Social/personal concerns
  •  Career choices/selecting a major
  •  Substance use
  •  Sexual assault
  •  Relationship concerns
  •  Racial/cultural adjustment
  •  Extreme test/performance anxiety

Suggested Guidelines for Interaction

  •  Talk to the student in private
  •  Listen carefully
  •  Show concern and interest
  •  Repeat back the essence of what the student has told you
  •  Avoid criticizing or sounding judgmental
  •  Suggest the Counseling & 作为一个资源,并与学生讨论这个问题
  •  Explain to the student that counseling at the Counseling & Testing Center is free and confidential
  •  如果学生愿意,你可以陪他/她去咨询 & Testing Center
  •  If the student resists help and you are still worried, contact your residence hall dean or the Counseling & Testing Center to discuss your concerns
  •  If the student is suicidal, call the Counseling & 测试中心(269-471-3470),校园安全(269-471-3321),或911. 如果在工作时间之外发生这种情况,请致电校园安全(269-471-3321)或911.

Some suggested ways to recommend counseling are:

  • "You seem very upset; perhaps it might be helpful to speak to someone. 在咨询中心有辅导员可以为学生服务 & Testing Center."
  • "Counseling is helpful for people who feel the way you do. 如果你愿意,你现在可以用我的电话打给咨询处 & Testing Center to find out how you make an appointment. 如果你愿意,我现在很乐意和你一起去了解如何与心理咨询师交谈."
  • “你不必继续感到沮丧(焦虑、孤立、压力大、愤怒等)。. Counseling can help. Why don't you walk to (or call) the Counseling & 考试中心(位于贝尔大厅#123),并预约与辅导员交谈?"

请随意使用、修改或扩展上述任何建议. 最重要的是用一种能让学生自由接受的方式来表达你的关心, consider or refuse your recommendation. 有些人需要时间来考虑是否要寻求咨询. A caring and gentle suggestion is usually enough. If a student says emphatically no, 然后,重要的是尊重和接受这一决定,并可能为其他考虑敞开大门. 如果一个苦恼的学生拒绝帮助和/或你仍然担心,你可以联系咨询 & 与测试中心讨论您的担忧以及如何最好地帮助他/她.

However, if you consider the situation to be an emergency, call Campus Safety (269-471-3321) or dial 911. 不要延迟为学生寻求帮助,并确保你们都是安全的.


Consultation With Center Staff: Ask for a Counselor

If you are unsure about how to respond to your friend, 向咨询中心的专业人员咨询 & Testing Center. 咨询师可以帮助你探索如何接近你的朋友, 协助您确定可能适合他/她需求的校园和社区资源, and provide coaching on how to make a referral. 咨询师在工作时间内可在CTC进行电话或亲自咨询. 您可以致电前台(269-471-3470)安排电话咨询或在辅导员办公室安排会议.


Making a Referral to the Counseling Center  

  1. Suggest that the student call or come in to the Counseling & Testing Center (CTC) to make an appointment. Give the CTC phone number and location (269-471-3470; Bell Hall #123). You may also suggest that the students visit our website (
  2. 如果你愿意,你可以问你的朋友是否可以帮他/她打电话给CTC. 你可以主动打电话,然后让学生预约与辅导员交谈. 确保你的朋友写下约会的时间和日期. 
  3. 有时陪你的朋友去CTC是有帮助的. 有些学生可能会发现,在他们与辅导员见面时,你等待是一种安慰.
  4. 跟进你的朋友,询问他/她是否遵守了他/她的约定,以及他/她对会议的感觉如何.
  5. If you are concerned about a student, but are uncertain of the appropriateness of the referral, or the student resists a referral, feel free to call the CTC for a consultation.
  6. If you consider the situation to be an emergency, 在联系反恐委员会之前,请致电校园安全(269-471-3321)或拨打911. 为了学生和你的安全,不要耽误寻求帮助.

What is Counseling?

“专业咨询是心理健康的应用, psychological or human development principles, through cognitive, affective, behavioral, 或是解决健康问题的系统干预和策略, personal growth, or career development, as well as pathology" (American Counseling Association). 咨询是咨询师和来访者之间的合作. 辅导员可以帮助学生确定目标和潜在的解决方案,以解决导致情绪不平衡的问题, to improve communication and coping skills, to strengthen self-esteem, and to promote behavior change and optimal mental health. 辅导员和学生将共同设定目标,努力实现目标,并评估进展情况. 咨询可以帮助学生最大限度地发挥他们的潜力,并在他们的生活中做出积极的改变. 咨询有时可能是一项艰苦的工作,但变化和进步确实会发生. 辅导员可以为学生提供帮助和支持,帮助他们应对生活中的挑战. We offer short-term individual and couples counseling. We also offer group counseling during the school year. 


  • Crisis resolution—regarding the loss of a relationship, death in the family, stress overload, loneliness, psychosomatic problems, coping with changes, family crisis, etc.
  • Seeking relief from chronic problems like depression, parent/child or child/parent problems, unhappy relationships, eating disorders, drug abuse, the pressures of work or classes, anger, or self-defeating behavior
  • For personal growth by increasing self-confidence, improving self-esteem, enriching personal relationships, and enhancing self-understanding

大多数寻求咨询的人都是很正常的人,他们想为自己的问题做点什么. Since EVERYONE has significant problems at various points in life, 咨询可以成为应对这些问题的正常过程,并找到超越它们的方法,走向进一步的成长和生活的意义.

Additional Campus and Community Resources to Consider

Campus Safety: 269-471-3321
大学生干预小组(USIT): 269-471-3321;
Dean for Student Life: 269-471-3215
Student Success Center: 269-471-6096
Campus Ministries: 269-471-3211;
University Medical Specialties: 269-473-2222
Berrien County Victim Assistance: 269-982-8640
Neighbor to Neighbor (Adventist Community Services): 269-471-7411
Riverwood Center’s 24 Hour Crisis Hotline: 800-336-0341